Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how your personal data is collected and processed by Excellent Apps developer (“App Developer”) when you use the Excellent Apps mobile application (the “App”, or “Services”).
The App is a free to use app (with optional in-app-purchases), and in order to maintain the high quality and a great app experience we process information from and about you in particular to improve the entire experience in the App and to support internal operations.
We update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of the policy and, depending on the specific changes, we will provide you with additional notice or require a renewed consent. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy whenever you access the App to stay informed about how we process your personal data and how you can protect your privacy.

  •  What Data We Collect  ?
 Excellent Apps do not collect personal information of your children or Parents in any of its Mobile applications. Excellent Apps do not use any Third Party Analytics. And We do not use any Third Party Ads in our Mobile Applications

  • Why Do We Collect Your Data ?
 We do not Collect any information for any purpose or make it available to any other party.

  •  Your Access to and Control Over Information
 You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address given on our website.

  • You can ask privacy questions
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please contact us:

Excellent Apps usually developed the apps and games for children and we will always cares you and your kids Privacy.

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